Steampunk mixed metal watchwork gear pendant called Full Steam Ahead

Steampunk mixed metal watchwork gear pendant called Full Steam Ahead Steampunk mixed metal watchwork gear pendant called Full Steam Ahead Steampunk mixed metal watchwork gear pendant called Full Steam Ahead Steampunk mixed metal watchwork gear pendant called Full Steam Ahead Steampunk mixed metal watchwork gear pendant called Full Steam Ahead Steampunk mixed metal watchwork gear pendant called Full Steam Ahead
Steampunk mixed metal watchwork gear pendant called Full Steam Ahead
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length of chain

Steampunk one of a kind pendant is made of copper, brass and German silver which have been cold connected with rivets.  The inners of a watch are the focal point of the pendant. Gear charms and a hand fiurther adorn the pendant.  The bottom German silver section has been foldformed which is a forging technique.  A malachite piece repurposed from an antique necklace hangs from the bottom of the pendant.

This is a statement piece as it is a total length of 4 inches long and about an inch and a half at the widest point.  The pendant hangs from a brass ball chain that has three balls per inch which matches the industrial nature of the pendant.